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Coop On Wheels

Introducing the "Coop on Wheels" hardware kit – a revolutionary solution designed to transform traditional chicken coops into mobile and versatile structures. Say goodbye to the limitations of fixed coop locations and embrace the mobility that Coop on Wheels brings to the world of sustainable and efficient animal husbandry. This innovative kit allows anyone to easily make their existing coops movable by seamlessly mounting durable wheels to the base in a modular and easy-to-do fashion.

Coop On Wheels Kit

The Coop on Wheels kit contains heavy-duty swivel wheels that can each support 5,000 lbs, ensuring smooth and effortless mobility across various terrains. Its user-friendly design enables quick installation, requiring minimal tools and expertise. Now, you can effortlessly relocate your chicken coops, providing numerous benefits such as optimizing grazing areas, managing soil health, and enhancing the overall well-being of the animals.